A Change of Character...
6 days left.
6 Ways I have become a “moldovanca” since living here...
1) I never go to people’s house empty handed anymore – even if it’s just a short visit. I bring apples, wine, baked goods, or candy
2) Tights under my jeans – and other innovations in warmth have just become second nature by now.
3) I carry plastic bags with me EVERYWHERE I go - who wants to pay for a bag at the market?
4) When making appointments or engagements, I remember I need 30 – 45 minutes to walk there.
5) Don’t see a need to refrigerate eggs anymore
6) Feel like it is perfectly acceptable to ask personal “prying” questions to people – I have a right to know this stuff!
6 Ways I have retained my Americaness through these past 2 years
1) Dirty shoes still don’t offend me
2) I am not afraid of getting sick from the “current”
3) I still relish in my personal space and quiet, alone time
4) I do not think mayonnaise and sour crème go with every meal.
5) My shoes are comfortable and not stylish – still don’t walk around in high heels, to the disgust of many of my friends here.
6) I tend to still have a positive outlook – I may have thought I was a realist, but when looking at the bigger picture, Americans tend to be optimistic in a way that almost no other culture (that I know of) is.